An encounter with a good sub can turn a students day around, adding the splash of joy and excitement needed to end the day off on a good note. Mr. B had that effect on every class he subbed for. For the few who don’t know, Mr. B is our very own “super sub” who dedicates five days a week to subbing on call. Students have definitely missed the splash of joy Mr. B added to the school day, as Mr. B was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer causing him to step down from his position here on campus.
“He loved being here,” said sub coordinator, Mrs. Everdeen.
Mr. B loves being a part of the staff and is described as “extremely reliable” when it came to showing up for the school.
“I really hope he’s able to come back,” Everdeen said.
Just like most of the school, Everdeen was extremely shocked and saddened to hear the news of Mr. B’s diagnosis.
“The kids love him!” Mrs. Wier, AAVTC teacher, said. “I will never forget the pep rally where he was on the teachers ‘Tug-o-war’ team; the minute his name was announced, the gym erupted in cheers.”
The relationships Mr. B develops with kids are because of his dependability and sense of humor.
“Mr. B is the coolest,” Sarah, a sophomore, said. “My day instantly gets better when I find out he’s the sub for one of my teachers.”
“Mr. B only has two rules, and the second rule was to not be a snitch. He understood us and how to talk to us; we miss him alot,” Brandon, a freshman said.
As we continue through the school year, let’s keep Mr. B and his son in our thoughts and prayers with the highest hopes that he will return back to us better than ever!

Skya is a junior at Pieper High School. She is involved in debate, journalism and dance. Skya enjoys the photography involved in journalism.